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Output file in Exporter Section in Scheduler

Team, For a CSV exporter section , while providing an Output Filename can we pass an argument through any API ? For Eg : If I need my Outputfile name as Outputfile_@environment.txt Here I need to pass environment (Dev,Test or Prod) as an argument . Can I do that using API? I am actually using a scheduler API to invoke job in Denodo Scheduler. So we are not sure how we can pass this as an argument. Please suggest.
23-05-2019 05:22:01 -0400

1 Answer

Hello, Since you are scheduling this job via the Scheduler API, and want to customize the output filename, you will need to programmatically assign the exporter to the job. A sample of the source code named “” located within: <%DENODO_HOME%>\samples\scheduler\scheduler-api\ To find out more information on the methods available to use in the Scheduler API, you can go here: Hope this helps.
Denodo Team
11-06-2019 16:15:18 -0400
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