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Denodo 6 : Unable to fetch records from Hive

Related to: Denodo and Hadoop
I picked up all the relevant Hadoop & Hive JAR files for making connection with Denodo 6 and was successfully able to connect. Did created the views from existing hive tables, but when I try to VQL simple query to fetch records, it throw error. Below is the execution snaphot, please help. ------------------------------------START------------------------------ Error executing query. Total time 0.413 seconds. QUERY [VIRTUAL] [ERROR] QUERY [JDBC WRAPPER] [ERROR] QUERY [JDBC ROUTE] [ERROR] Unable to find SQL-mapping for plugin 'hive/11' {timezone=PST, datesubtypepattern=MMM d, yyyy, doublegroupseparator=, doubledecimalseparator=, doubledecimalposition=2, timesubtypepattern=h:mm:ss a, language=en, datepattern=MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a, country=US} EXECUTION PLAN ( name = Execution startTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 740 IST 2017 endTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:30 153 IST 2017 responseTime = - numRows = 0 state = ERROR completed = false waitingTime = 0 STATIC OPTIMIZATION ( staticOptimized = false staticOptimizationTime = 49 staticOptimizationStart = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 770 IST 2017 staticOptimizationEnd = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 819 IST 2017 ) COST OPTIMIZATION ( costOptimized = false costOptimizationMessages = [Missing statistics or not activated in the following nodes: ins_sub_src,ins_sub_tar] ) VIRTUAL PLAN ( name = _p__s__j__3272708560783679269130024055169664873616891328134593828972884024746525423336540_8031899657 database = hdfssqlserv startTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 889 IST 2017 endTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:30 153 IST 2017 responseTime = - numRows = 0 state = ERROR completed = false fields = [sysid, rowstatus, t.policyno, t.fname, t.scrcon, t.activity, t.obsrgrp, t.obsrval, t.claimstat, t.icdo3code, t.description, t.inthostprince, t.exthostprice] search conditions = [] filter conditions = [] ordered = false numOfFilteredTuples = 0 numOfDuplicatedTuples = 0 numOfSwappedTuples = 0 swapping = false memoryLimitReached = false viewType = PROJECT JDBC WRAPPER ( name = _p__s__j__3272708560783679269130024055169664873616891328134593828972884024746525423336540_8031899657 database = hdfssqlserv startTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 889 IST 2017 endTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:30 153 IST 2017 responseTime = - numRows = 0 state = ERROR completed = false searchConditions = [] orderByFields = [] projectedFields = [sysid, rowstatus, t.policyno, t.fname, t.scrcon, t.activity, t.obsrgrp, t.obsrval, t.claimstat, t.icdo3code, t.description, t.inthostprince, t.exthostprice] additionalSubPlans = 0 additionalErroneousSubPlans = 0 JDBC ROUTE ( name = _p__s__j__3272708560783679269130024055169664873616891328134593828972884024746525423336540_8031899657#0 datasource = hivedb datasource database = hdfssqlserv startTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 893 IST 2017 endTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:30 153 IST 2017 responseTime = - numRows = 0 state = ERROR completed = false exception = Unable to find SQL-mapping for plugin 'hive/11' SQLSentence = parameters = [] SQLSentence info = DBUri = jdbc:hive2://XX.XX.XX.XX:10000/default userName = connectionTime = 239 cachedConnection = false ) ) ) ) ---------------------END-------------------------------------------
10-01-2017 10:46:32 -0500

2 Answers

Hi, Did you know that the Hive JDBC drivers are included within the installation of the Denodo Platform 6.0? If I were you, I would remove those JAR files added by yourself, then install the latest 6.0 update and execute the query again. When selecting the Database adapter, note that there are several Hive options and you have to select the one that matches your Hive scenario. Also, when you receive an error the best practice is to check the logs in <DENODO_HOME>/logs/vdp for getting more information. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
18-01-2017 05:18:57 -0500
Running the permission command at hive server resolved the issue,thanks
 Edited on: 28-07-2017 05:35:22 -0400
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