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Resource manager rule that blocks VDP admin tool access for some users.

Hi Team, Please suggest a Resource manager rule that blocks VDP admin tool access for some users. Tried with username and access interface but didn't work Thanks, Penchal

5 Answers

Hi, Starting with Denodo version 8.0 , developers can access the new web interface of design studio and perform development activities without logging into VDP administration tool. You can take a look at the features in this [link]( [Community link]( explains how when a user logs in through the VDP Admin tool , the user would be restricted from executing queries. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
03-12-2021 07:47:08 -0500
Thank you for update. instead of restrticting executing querites, can we block login to VDP admin tool access for some users using resource manaer rule in denodo 7. If yes, please suggest the rule
03-12-2021 09:13:46 -0500
Hi, For this specific scenario ,the resource manager rule permits only to restrict the execution of queries in VQL shell .However if you need to revoke the login access to a specific user you can remove the connect privilege which will deny the VDP admin tool access to that specific user You can take a look at [Modifying privileges of a user]( which provides the information on connect privilege and if no connect privilege is provided to the user for the existing list of Virtual DataPort databases then the user will not be able to login via the VDP admin tool Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
06-12-2021 23:35:15 -0500
Tried to remove connect privilege to testuser with below lines, but not working. alter user testuser revoke connect to testuser; This statement shows error. This user currently has role "allusers" and tried to remove this role, says can't remove it. Please advice.
08-12-2021 05:40:41 -0500
Hi, You can take a look at the syntax of revoke command and available privileges in [VQL Guide]( The revoke command you have shared should be applied specific to the database Execute the command with the following syntax to revoke connect privilege for a user on a database *Alter user <username> REVOKE CONNECT ON <databasename>* You can refer to [Default Roles]( that provides information on ‘allusers’ as this role is granted by default to new local users. Since this role is default, it cannot be revoked For this scenario, below is the possible way * If the user is assigned to ‘allusers’ role then revoke all the privileges for the "allusers" role. Note that this will impact others users who are assigned the role "allusers". * Remove the user from any other role(s) that the user is part of. I would make sure that the user is not assigned any other role that could help the user to access Virtual DataPort. Hope this helps !
Denodo Team
08-12-2021 08:16:05 -0500
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