I tried out the WSDL you provided in my Denodo Platform installation and it seems to work without issue. You may be getting an error due to firewall issues, are you using a proxy server?
Please try checking your HTTP Proxy settings, it may be that Denodo can not access the URL for the WSDL.
You can specify a proxy server in the[ Server Configuraiton > HTTP Proxy settings](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/vdp/administration/server_administration_-_configuring_the_server/default_configuration_of_http_proxy/default_configuration_of_http_proxy). You should be able to get the appropriate proxy settings from your browser's internet settings.
As regards authentication, you should not need to configure any authentication for this SOAP service. You should just need to pass the identifier and your license key as parameters on the SOAP request. You can set these by including them in the WHERE clause when querying the resulting base view from the SOAP service.
Hope this helps!