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Could not generate wrapper metadata from given WSDL document.

I'm using Denodo Express V5.5.... While connecting with SOAP webservice I got this Error "Could not generate wrapper metadata from given WSDL document." Description: I have followed the steps given in tutorial... i.e connected with jetty server using the given command then opened the URL http://localhost:8080/billing/services.. I'm able to see BillProvider section... then in VDP I created new data source .. i.e admin->new->data source->web service , gave a connection name Ex. soap_billing, under WSDL added http://localhost:8080/billing/services/BillProvider?wsdl and selected End point from WSDL. On click of ok I am getting the error "Could not generate wrapper metadata from given WSDL document." Help me..!!!
25-03-2015 08:41:15 -0400

2 Answers

Hi, I've tried the same steps you did and it worked for me. If I stop the jetty server, I get your error, so check if the jetty server is still running while you are creating the data source. If the WSDL is reachable from the browser, you should be able to create the data source in Denodo without problems. Hope this helps.
Denodo Team
30-03-2015 05:17:16 -0400
I checked with the jetty server.. It was up and running.. I could access the URL http://localhost:8080/billing/services and see different services. And in terminal also i dint see any message about server stop. As i couldn't trace what was,I downloaded new instance of the freeware and installed. It was working fine.
07-04-2015 04:56:44 -0400
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