As mentioned in the[ GET_SOURCE_TABLE](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/vql/stored_procedures/predefined_stored_procedures/get_source_table) section of the Virtual DataPort VQL Guide, the GET_SOURCE_TABLE() stored procedure returns information only about the source of a JDBC base view.
However, you can develop a [Custom Stored Procedure](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en//vdp/developer/developing_extensions/developing_stored_procedures/developing_stored_procedures) in Java using the Denodo4E Plugin such that it returns information about the source of non JDBC base view..
Once the stored procedure is created, you can import the jar file into the Virtual DataPort Server using the ‘File -> Extensions Management’ option available in the Virtual DataPort Administration Tool.
You could refer to the Custom Stored Procedure samples available under the directory “<DENODO_HOME>\samples\vdp\storedProcedures’’ and take a look at the README file for testing it.
In case, if you still need help and if you are a valid Support User, you may open a Support Case at the Denodo Support Site and the Support Team will help you.
Hope this helps!