I have come across this error ‘*Missing VQL Properties*’ while deploying a revision without adding the *.properties* file to the target environment. For the deployment to succeed, the target environment should have a value for the missing properties. You can refer to this question from the [community](https://community.denodo.com/answers/question/details?questionId=9060g000000Xer1AAC&title=Missing+VQL+properties+while+validating+revision) for the steps on how to fix this error.
In addition, I would suggest you perform the [validation](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/solution_manager/administration/promotions/revisions_table/revisions_table#validate-a-revision) before deploying a revision, to ensure all the required properties are defined in the target environment.
When the validation fails and you have the permission to create properties, the ‘*Create Missing VQL Properties*’ button appears using which you can configure the missing properties in the target environment. Note that this button pops up when you try to validate a revision not when you deploy it.
You can refer to [Configuring Virtual DataPort Properties](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/solution_manager/administration/environments/configuring_environments/configuring_vdp_properties#configuring-virtual-dataport-properties) section of the Solution Manager Administration Guide and [Managing Denodo 7.0 licenses - Revisions](https://community.denodo.com/tutorials/browse/solutionmanager/22-promotion) tutorial document for detailed information on this.
Hope this helps!