I picked up all the relevant Hadoop & Hive JAR files for making connection with Denodo 6 and was successfully able to connect.
Did created the views from existing hive tables, but when I try to VQL simple query to fetch records, it throw error. Below is the execution snaphot, please help.
Error executing query. Total time 0.413 seconds.
QUERY [JDBC ROUTE] [ERROR] Unable to find SQL-mapping for plugin 'hive/11'
{timezone=PST, datesubtypepattern=MMM d, yyyy, doublegroupseparator=, doubledecimalseparator=, doubledecimalposition=2, timesubtypepattern=h:mm:ss a, language=en, datepattern=MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a, country=US}
name = Execution
startTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 740 IST 2017
endTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:30 153 IST 2017
responseTime = -
numRows = 0
state = ERROR
completed = false
waitingTime = 0
staticOptimized = false
staticOptimizationTime = 49
staticOptimizationStart = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 770 IST 2017
staticOptimizationEnd = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 819 IST 2017
costOptimized = false
costOptimizationMessages = [Missing statistics or not activated in the following nodes: ins_sub_src,ins_sub_tar]
name = _p__s__j__3272708560783679269130024055169664873616891328134593828972884024746525423336540_8031899657
database = hdfssqlserv
startTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 889 IST 2017
endTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:30 153 IST 2017
responseTime = -
numRows = 0
state = ERROR
completed = false
fields = [sysid, rowstatus, t.policyno, t.fname, t.scrcon, t.activity, t.obsrgrp, t.obsrval, t.claimstat, t.icdo3code, t.description, t.inthostprince, t.exthostprice]
search conditions = []
filter conditions = []
ordered = false
numOfFilteredTuples = 0
numOfDuplicatedTuples = 0
numOfSwappedTuples = 0
swapping = false
memoryLimitReached = false
viewType = PROJECT
name = _p__s__j__3272708560783679269130024055169664873616891328134593828972884024746525423336540_8031899657
database = hdfssqlserv
startTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 889 IST 2017
endTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:30 153 IST 2017
responseTime = -
numRows = 0
state = ERROR
completed = false
searchConditions = []
orderByFields = []
projectedFields = [sysid, rowstatus, t.policyno, t.fname, t.scrcon, t.activity, t.obsrgrp, t.obsrval, t.claimstat, t.icdo3code, t.description, t.inthostprince, t.exthostprice]
additionalSubPlans = 0
additionalErroneousSubPlans = 0
name = _p__s__j__3272708560783679269130024055169664873616891328134593828972884024746525423336540_8031899657#0
datasource = hivedb
datasource database = hdfssqlserv
startTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:29 893 IST 2017
endTime = Tue Jan 10 20:58:30 153 IST 2017
responseTime = -
numRows = 0
state = ERROR
completed = false
exception = Unable to find SQL-mapping for plugin 'hive/11'
SQLSentence =
parameters = []
SQLSentence info =
DBUri = jdbc:hive2://XX.XX.XX.XX:10000/default
userName =
connectionTime = 239
cachedConnection = false