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Listing existing databases (VDB)

Dear Denodo Support, Is there a way of listing exisitng databases (VDB) defined in VDP? I am interested how could this be done from shell scrip on Denodo running on Linux. I was looking under $DENODO_HOME/work/vdp/repository but it seems that not all VDP have a dedicated directory over there. Best Regards
03-02-2017 07:25:24 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, To list the existing databases on my VDP admin tool I use the below command from my VQL shell,    LIST databases; Alternatively you could use a third party SQL client like DBVisualizer on a linux machine to execute queries directly on the VDP server. I would like you to have a look at this knowledge base article on how to configure your third party SQL client to execute queries directly on the VDP server,[Connection using third party SQL clients]( I hope this helps you!
Denodo Team
06-02-2017 07:07:32 -0500
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