The exception 'WS wrapper is not correctly initialized. Check the data source configuration' could be due to the URL that points to the WSDL is incorrect. In order to trouble shoot this exception, I would verify the following:
* Check if the URL specified for the WSDL parameter of the data source is correctly pointing to the wsdl and not to the web service address. The URL should end with '?wsdl'.
If the URL looks fine, I would try recreating the views again and execute to view the result.
You can refer to the section [SOAP Web Service Sources](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/vdp/administration/creating_data_sources_and_base_views/soap_web_service_sources/soap_web_service_sources#soap-web-service-sources) of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide to know more information.
I hope this helps you!!