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Incorporating the delta changes in migration

Hi Team, We are working on migrating the code from Denodo 7 to Denodo 8. Export and Import of the code is completed in DEV. But right now we are identifying the differences and exporting and importing the changes in Denodo 7 to Denodo 8 manually on...

#Denodo_Migration code migration


Denodo VPC change migration in AWS

Hi Team, Denodo is UP and running in AWS Environmnet, Now we need to change VPC on AWS and want to Move/Migration SAME denodo setup (as it is up an running ) in another VPC, Please let us know the Step what are chnages need to done in new VPC etc.....

code migration


Code promotion: updating views from one environment to another

HI, I need to migrate/promote multiple views from my Developmet environment to Testing environment, what is the easiest way to do it? Both the environments are on different server.

code migration


issue denodo 6 upgrade

Hi Team , We have migrated the code from denodo 5.5 to denodo 6.0. we have BLOB data type in join conditions. This query is running in the 5.5 vql tool but while runnjing into denodo 6 vql shell giving me the error. "Finished with error: 'VARBINARY'...

code migration