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Migration from 6.0 to 7.0

Hi, I am planning on migrating legacy denodo to 7.0. My enviornment is as follows: 1) Current state: Dev 6.0 Prod 6.0 (We do not have QA.) 2) For future state a) I have two new servers (one for Dev and one for Prod). Now I want to bring over databas...

6.0 migration 7.0 denodo Upgrade


Pivoting Denodo View Results

I have a SQL server procedure that pivots a table with unknown number of rows and these number of rows can be dynamic and change throughout the day; I have created a view to replace the sql server table but now I need to replicate or replace the stored...

Denodo 6.0 Pivot custom wrapper View


cache_wait_for_load option added in 6.0 version by default for query execution

I have imported some of views from 5.5 to 6.0 environment. Not using any caching in any of views. When running quey in Denodo 6.0, I can see ('i18n'='us_pst', 'cache_wait_for_load'='true') is appended for the query. Due to this option as true, query t...
