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Hi Team, All the Rest webservices I created on my base or derived views are throwing below error.VDP server is also running fine one of webservice i am using "" It was created on one of the data source. Belo...
Using Denodo 7 2019 09 03 When publishing a web service I have set default representation to JSON and disabled all others. I import the service to Azure API Management and discover it says: Default value must be present in the list of values ...
Dear Denodo Support Team, We have created a Rest API end point web service for a Derived view and this derived view has REGISTER of REGISTER on elements. As we are trying to apply filters on literals and strings are working fine. But, canno...
Is there a way to get list of all available Rest web service end points ? Our Team is working on a functionality which needs to detect if a Webservice is up or not on a Denodo server. To make it work , we need to list all available ends point and then ...