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Denodo Rest webservice throwing error while trying to access one of the base view

Hi Team, All the Rest webservices I created on my base or derived views are throwing below error.VDP server is also running fine one of webservice i am using "" It was created on one of the data source. Belo...

Rest Web service Rest Web service End point Denodo Express


How to set default values for web services parameters format_parameter and reduced_format_parameter

Using Denodo 7 2019 09 03 When publishing a web service I have set default representation to JSON and disabled all others. I import the service to Azure API Management and discover it says: Default value must be present in the list of values ...

Rest Web service End point


Applying Filter on the Register type data type column in Rest Api results via Api URL construction

Dear Denodo Support Team, We have created a Rest API end point web service for a Derived view and this derived view has REGISTER of REGISTER on elements. As we are trying to apply filters on literals and strings are working fine. But, canno...

REST API Rest Web service End point


Denodo Rest Web service End point

Is there a way to get list of all available Rest web service end points ? Our Team is working on a functionality which needs to detect if a Webservice is up or not on a Denodo server. To make it work , we need to list all available ends point and then ...

Rest Web service End point