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if i have one single instance of Denodo and my data running on both aws amazon and microsoft azur what are the recommendations factors to consider ? should i use the on premise deployment or where my consumers are located or where my data located or wh...
Custom core-site.xml file: In the configuration on custom wrapper data source in development environment, the core-site.xml is created and stored in particular local location in the denodo server. When we do promotion of this data source from develo...
Hi Team, I am unable to deploy with the following error: Error checking if token authentication is configured. Note: All configs in platform control center have been done with Security aunthentication token details (host name and port of solution m...
revisions Deployment using Solution Manager Best Practice deployment
Hi Team, I am unable to deploy with the following error: Error checking if token authentication is configured. Note: All configs in platform control center have been done with Security aunthentication token details (host name and port of soluti...
revisions Deployment using Solution Manager Best Practice deployment
we have a single cache DB ( shared cache) for multiple Prodution denodo nodes. but problem with this architecture is when we do deployment of views having cache associated with it on any of nodes . this makes the cache unavailable/invalid for other nod...
Hey all I am trying to setup our Solution Manager for deployments but have recently learned that we cannot SSH into our load balancer (F5) server. I have not found a way to use the Solution Manager without the disable/enable load balancer scripts and w...
I am trying to deploy a revision by following the denodo documentation, but I don't have any load balancer and all the machines are with in the internal network. and I am not getting the load balancing variables in "Deployment Scripts" tab for the envi...
Hello, I am creating a revision using the view which has dependencies in different databases. Basically the view which I am trying to promote or Deploy from one enviromnent to another is derieved from a view in different database in denodo. While I se...
solution manager Dependencies Tree revisions Promotion Deployment using Solution Manager Best Practice deployment
I am getting the below error while validating the revision in Denodo 7 Missing Vql properties: '', '', '
Hello, I am creating a revision using the view which has dependencies in different databases. Basically the view which I am trying to promote or Deploy from one enviromnent to another is derieved from a view in different database in denodo. While I se...
solution manager Dependencies Tree revisions Promotion Deployment using Solution Manager Best Practice deployment