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Good day, I have been trying to combine the Generate VQL Script to Create Base View and Get Source Tables stored procs to automate the creation of my views for all tables in a range of schema's from a DB2 datawarehouse. I was provide a sample from the...
As I'm french speaking with I bad english, I write in french and include an english translation (by GGTranslate). Voici le scénario que je voudrais mettre en oeuvre. Partie 1 Je veux réaliser une union view qui reprend ce qui se trouve dans des base...
Automation Excel Sharepoint list Base View configuration UNION
I have been reading through the documentation of Trace directive in Denodo Testing Tool. I need to access the 'staticO' element in my trace file. When I am accessing the 'staticO' element in the .DENDOTEST file by using the following code 'PLAN ABC.PLA...
In DENODOTEST, I need to test the JDBC access protocol that is present in the file. e.g. "jdbc:vdb://<localhost>:<portNumber>/<databaseName>". Is there any information about testing protocols in DENODO? The co...
Hi Team, We are in the process of integrating VDP in Solution manager through Solution manager REST API.I already went thru this link
Hi Team, Can anyone provide solution for automate denodo deployment process through Jenkins.
Has anyone had success integrated a VCS like GIT and performning DevOps like deployment practices? Ideally, i would be able to initiation a build and release using git and deploy without any user interaction.
Can you please step down the process on how to schedule an XML API to fetch data from an external source(tool)?
Automic scheduler automation XML XML Data Source Denodo Scheduler 7.0 API
Hi Team, I am connectining VDP with multiple data source in Linux. My data source are csv file , xml file and excel sheet While connecting I am using below SFTP method to connect sftp:// sftp...
We have 2 instances of Denodo (say Dev and QA). Is there a way to deploy the VQLs from Dev environment to QA environment automatically or using some scripts?