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NTLM Authentication Issue using Odata2

We created a new data source using OData wrapper to access a web API and we have an authentication issue using NTLM. The Denodo server is in a PROD environment and the API in a DEV environment and every ports are Blocked between the 2 environments. Sin...

odata2 NTLM Authentication


Copying ntlmauth.dll to DENODO_HOME/jre/bin

Hi, I would like to add my experience with Denodo 5.5 in Windows 2012 64 bit. I had to copy ntlmauth.dll to %DENODO_HOME%/jre/bin and restart the server instead of %SYSTEMROOT%/system32. The latter wouldn't work and raised a "SSO Failed: Native SS...

Related to: Accessing MS SQL Server using Windows Authentication

NTLM JDBC Data Sources SQL Server SSO