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Denodo Scheduler server could not be started:null

I have setup a new Denodo Express trial version and trying to setup the Indexer as per the tutorial. But in "Denodo Platform Control center" > Schedular : I am not able to start the "Schedular Server". Although 'Web Tools' and 'Schedular Index serv...

Denodo scheduler admin


Can not launch scheduler admin tool from terminal

Hi , I intsalled denodo scheduler on my server .. and I started scheduler server successfully but when I try to start scheduler admin tool by comand line ./ it show this message "Starting Web Container..." but it never open...

Denodo scheduler admin Denodo Scheduler 7.0


creating JDBC data source at denodo scheduler version 8

please I have an error while trying to export data at jdbc source.. error is "The driver referenced by this data source clas path does not exists"... even the driver exists and works great at scheduler version 7 .. any help please ? also I need to ask ...

Denodo 8.0 Denodo scheduler admin


Denodo integrated gitlab support denodo-scheduler-admin elements?

Hi Denodo support, Can I understand does Denodo integrated gitlab support version control the elements in denodo-scheduler-admin, such as we have schedule job for stastics gathering, and we want to version control them in the gitlab repo, here is just ...

Denodo scheduler admin VCS gitlab


Write the retrieved data into multiple files

Hello, Need to retrive the data from Oracle database, it may have millions for records, I need to write the data in to muliteple CSV files(split the data in to mulitple files). I was able to read the data and write it as single files using schedule adm...

Denodo scheduler admin Delimited Files


output file cant be found

Under what circumstances one cannot find an output file generated for a particular jon in the path precribed in the exporter section? please enlighten on the issue and also send some study document if present for the issue. also tell me the possible re...

Denodo scheduler admin


Start the Denodo job with dependencies using Shell script

Hi, Can you please assist me to invoke the Denodo Job with dependecies option using shell schipt. I can see only below options and don't see start-with-dependecies option sh -start load_dv_added_current_frozen_vw -h sjgdvappd...

shell Denodo scheduler admin Denodo Scheduler 6.0


Access issue for the project admin

Why does the project admin could not see detail report icon link on denodo scheduler admin. Regards Karthi

Denodo scheduler admin