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Capitalise Data Format function

Hi there, I have a string file. "This is the test message" . I would liket to capitalise the first letter of each word. the expected outcome is "This Is The Test Message" Is this possible

Custom Functions


Unable to execute custom function imported from oracle source

I have imported a custom function created on one of the sources. I have the following questions. After importing, I see it as a stored procedure in denodo. Is this a default behaviour? Why are functions identified as stored procedures in denodo? ...

Import Custom Functions


Incompatible License while creating extension

Hi team, I am trying to use java based custom function by creating extension in Eclipse. It is giving error when I am deploying the custom function to VDP server - "Creation of extension is not allowed by the license." I am currently using Denodod Ex...

extension Custom Functions DENODO EVALUATION LICENSE


How to return query error in denodo custom function

I used denodo VDP version 8.0 i build custom function successfully. however, when there is a error proccess in function, it always return null value. how to handling the error/exception to direct stop the query process? i don't want when it happen q...

Custom Functions


Custom Functions and Denodo 8

Hi, Our organisation is currently using Denodo 7 and we have created a couple of Custom Functions which are used across different databases and projects. We are using a dev environment with Eclipse Oxygen and Java 1.8 and export the Custom Functions ...

Custom Functions


Denodo 8.0 Express - Extensions

I need test some custom function and did compile the sample function to jar. However, when I try to add it to Denodo. I don't see extension tab on extension management. I only see "Libraries" tab. File -> Extension Management -> (Only Libraries ...

extension custom functions


Create Base View for Oracle Function that returns Table Type

I am trying to create a base view on a Oracle function that returns data type - TABLE Trying this from the normal flow gives error : "Unsupported type TABLE for Database : Oracle Stored Procedure" How can i create this using a "Create Base View from VQ...

VQL VQL Base view Custom Functions Stored Procedure Oracle


Custom functions jar file renaming and name conflicts

Hello, When we started developing custom functions in Denodo, we had stored them all in a single package. However, we have now reached about 200 custom functions and in order to simplify maintenance, we would like to split that package in 3 (Date func...

Denodo 8.0 extension Custom Functions


Denodo doesn't recognize local file within stored procedure

I have denodo platform 8.0 running on EC2 installed using cloudformation template as per the installation guide by Denodo. I am trying to create a custom stored proc which has to read a license file (locally saved inside /opt/denodo/denodo-platform8.0/...

Logging Custom stored procedure ERROR_HANDLING Custom Functions License File Denodo Jar


Error while using custom function

Hi Team, I developed a custom function when I am using it I wm getting error com.denodo.vdb.admin.model.vdbserverproxy.VDBServerProxyException: error computing capabilities: Function 'psi_hashicorp_decrypt' is not executable. Can you please let me kno...

Custom Functions