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Denodo Throwing error from the source

Hello, I have connected JDBC connection in denodo. When i load the data and create the view automatically using lamda function in AWS. When i run the view throwing below error: BC_YZ_RATAM_SELFSERVICE_EMEA_DE [BASE] [ERROR] ABC_YZ_RATAM_SELFSERVICE_E...

#Denodo #denodotestingtool #testingtool #denodo Self-Service Base View descrptions AWS S3 Athena Source refresh #Athena #Baseview #Table_not_found #DataSource


Converting the text data type into an integer data type

Hi there, I'm trying to convert a field of data type 'text' to 'integer' in denodo. The below is my sample operation. select column1, column2, column3 from bv_sample order by cast(field1 as integer) ; I get the below error: "Error converting data t...

#Denodo #denodotestingtool #testingtool #denodo #SQL #VQL


Password not set for Password Based Encryptor error in Jenkins job

Hi Team I am facing below issue when i am calling denodo testing tool - TestRunner.Run method from my Junit Testing framework via Jenkins Job. Interestingly, Tests are running fine when i am running via command line through maven commands on the same ...

#Denodo #denodotestingtool #testingtool #denodo


Failure when using Denodo Testing Tool

I am trying to test denodo testing tool on one of the base views I have created on a local orable db installed on my pc. Everytime I try to run it, I am getting below error Test FAILED. Test raised an unexpected com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$PoolI...

#Denodo #denodotestingtool #testingtool #denodo