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View delegation to Snowflake source

Hi , We are having code delegation issue in Snowflake. We are having the same code in oracle , the same code delegates to Oracle source, but when we try to execute the same code in snowflake , denodo optimizer takes another path and it wont delegate at...

Denodo Delegate Snowflake query-plan query-trace


Delegate SQL Sentence as Sub Query Option

I'm creating a base view from query that contains a CTE and getting 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WITH'.' The statement runs fine in SQL, so I know it's valid. I believe I found the fix (steps below) in this Q&A

CTE Delegate


create_datetime >= '@LAST_REFRESH_DATE' in incremental cache not delegated to the source

I created a baseview over a cTree Datasource. I then enabled full cache, which works fine. Finally, I would like to enable incremental caching. I set the condition to create_datetime >= '@LAST_REFRESH_DATE' When I run a query, the execution trace sh...

Delegate Incremental Cache pushdown


Convert CSV into rows without the use of SPLIT function

Hi experts, Looking for alternative ways of converting comma separated values into rows without using the SPLIT/FLATTEN function as we want to delegate this completely to an oracle source. Please let me know if any ideas. Thanks.

Delegate FLATTEN Split


Base view records deletion

We have two base views base view 1 : temp_del Name , age base view 2 : temp_del_2 Name , age I want to delete some records in base view 2 (MSSQL) using the below query. delete from temp_del_2 where name not in (select name from temp_del) It res...

Delegate deletion


row_number not working with the get_view_columns

Hello Denodo gurus! Why does row_number not work with the get_view_columns? select database_name, view_name, column_name as denodo_column_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY view_name ORDER BY database_name ) row_number_with_partition from get_vi...

row number Delegate get_view_columns


Query not getting delegated to hive

Hi, We have a report view that is run monthly and is critical from the end user perspective. This view is cached on a regular schedule. When we run the view in vdp and it does not have any functions like current date() or get quarter(), I see that the...

Function Query Delegate


NEST() aggregation function ERROR when (Snowflake) source configuration has "Delegate aggregate functions list" checkbox is "unchecked"

Dear Denodo Support Team, I am encountering below error while delegating the aggregate functions setting is unchecked. Error: Finished with error: Error executing query. Total time 0.117 seconds. QUERY [VIRTUAL] [ERROR] QUERY [JDBC WRAPPER] ...

Denodo 6.0 Delegate nesting data aggregation delegation


Function LASTDAYOFMONTH not delegated to Teradata

Hallo Denodo Team, Investigating the reasons why a query is not delegated to the Teradata data source, we have read this explanation: The function 'lastdayofmonth' cannot be delegated to this database Teradata has a corresponding function, namely LA...

delegate lastdayofmonth teradata delegation


Denodo functions that are not delegated to source

Hi team! Is there a list of those functions/queries/process that are not pushed down to the source? I mean like sub selects, truncates, casts, etc. We need a detailed list of that stuff in order to optimize our views. Thanks in advance! EDIT: The s...

Function Delegate