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Hi I have a field which contains text. Id like to extract a certain part of that text field which being "Model: 123 Customer ABC" I would like to extract only the "123" part of this field Any help would appreciated Thanks D
Dear all, i need to parse the url and get the last part of the string. for example : or i need to read the part "manage" i was earlier ...
What is the simplest way of removing html from a string? I have attempted to create a map of various tags and parts of the html, but this is a very flawed way of doing this, leaving numbers, characters and tags which haven't been accounted for in the d...
I have a string which includes single quotes which I'd like to remove using the REPLACE function, but I'm not clear what escape characters are required to do this e.g.REPLACE(field, '[esc]'', '') I have also tried creating a MAP to also do this replac...
Hi there, The data source data type has changed from int to text. I would like to change the my base you to reflect this new data type. The error im getting is "the field has a compatible subtype for type "text": INTEGER Please assist with me with c...
I need to convert NUMBER to STRING, I tried using " cast(data_type, value) " but it's showing invalid. Does denodo have any inbuilt function similar to TO_CHAR() as in Oracle.