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We have a scenario where we are running into an IDMC bug that is loading all null values (for string columns) as blanks and 0 (for numeric columns). and wants to identify all derived views using functions handling nulls. Is there a way we can identify ...
Hello, I am creating an app where teachers can search for resources. Each resource is tagged with topics which are used to flter results. I have a complex use case and am looking for some advice For example: Resource 1 is tagged with topic "Math...
I am implementing a search module on Denodo REST API. When the users perform a search, they are likely to use lower case for all their search terms. However, if it is case-sensitive, if the search information was spelled with an uppercase in our system...
Hello, I am running into an issue when using the LIKE operator on my webservice. In order to make the like more effective, I have added a percent sign before and after the text I want to search on. This way I can bring back results that have my text a...
I am trying to get the tweets from twitter using below query I have flattened the statuses field and created the view. For every api call i...
Hello, I am attempting to load a pdf and be able to search for a last name and see if it shows up in the PDF. So far, I am able to ConvertPDFtoHTML and view all of the text in the PDF using ConvertPdfToHtml(PDFBOX_1_X_HTML); . (There are no images o...