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Custom core-site.xml file: In the configuration on custom wrapper data source in development environment, the core-site.xml is created and stored in particular local location in the denodo server. When we do promotion of this data source from develo...
Denodo Version : 8 I am trying to fetch the file from minIO and data source connection is sucessfull. When I try to create baseview I'm getting this below error. I am using dfs custom wrapper and selected class name as "com.denodo.connect.dfs.wrapper...
Hi. We are facing an issue when trying to connect to a SharePoint source in Denodo to create Base Views. On Developmet environments we are able to create the views and to use them retrieving data, on the Testing environment they do not. The configurati...
Hi Team, I am developing a custom wrapper internally it calls sql server database for data and sends this data to rest api and it returns data after some manipulation this data I need in denodo so the custom wrapper is dependent upon sql driver jar and...
Hi Team, I have developed a custom wrapper created data source and base view on that custom wrapper. When I execute the query previous query results are also appending to next query results. Cache mode is also off. What can be the issue here.
I am developing a custom wrapper it has password as one input parameter so I want to hide that as it is secret and I want ecnrypt it when I am exporting datasource build on my custom wrapper. Can you please me how to do this?
Using setDelegateProjections(true), the instruction said "Custom Wrapper can deal with projected fields." What does it mean? Projected fields (which columns should be displayed in a SQL SELECT statement) can only be specified in a derived view, not in...
Compound type java.sql.Types.ARRAY in custom wrapper schema causes "Error saving base view: null" in saving base view after "Source refresh". (The first time creating base view is always fine. Without changing anything on the source, after refreshing s...
I limited the allowed operators to “=”, “>=”, and “<=” by overriding the getConfiguration method with CustomWrapperConfiguration configuration = super.getConfiguration(); configuration.setAllowedOperators(new String[] { CustomWrapperCondition.OPE...
Hi, we have as a source an EBCDIC file and we have to configure a custom wrapper to read it. Do you know best practices or do you have any experience with this format file or similar one?