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Problem with Amazon Athena Cache

Hello, We have Denodo VDP 8.0 running in a Linux server. We add Amazon Athena Cache and we have a problem when try to store results in cache. The logs registered: FATAL YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.FFF com.denodo.vdb.engine.thread.ReusableThread [] - runWork ...

Cache Error AWS S3 Athena athena Athena AWS athena Cache


Same query, different results

I have a derived query that joins data from Teradata and AWS Athena sources. Both data sources are updated nightly. The derived view takes about 20minutes to complete. I noticed that the same query returned different results when executed back to back....

athena Teradata


How to connect to Amazon Athena from Denodo 8.0 using JDBC??

Hi, is there any documentation on how to perform when connecting to AWS Athena from Denodo 8.0 using JDBC. I know the ir documentation on how to connect bu with Denodo 7.0. Are the procedures the same? Thankyou

Denodo 8.0 JDBC Athena


Connecting Denodo to AWS Athena or AWS DynamoDB

Hi, Has anyone be able to connect to AWS Athena or AWS DynamoDB? There is already a question about connecting to Athena, but it is from May 2017. I am open to using third party drivers (CData, Simba etc.) if generic drivers will not work. Thanks!

DynamoDB Athena