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Denodo doesn't recognize local file within stored procedure

I have denodo platform 8.0 running on EC2 installed using cloudformation template as per the installation guide by Denodo. I am trying to create a custom stored proc which has to read a license file (locally saved inside /opt/denodo/denodo-platform8.0/...

Logging Custom stored procedure ERROR_HANDLING Custom Functions License File Denodo Jar


Error handling mechanism on Baseview

Hi, I created one datasource and on top of it there is a baseview. Suppose the source is unavailable now and base view is throwing error and its not retrieving the data. Now whenever baseview throws error due to any reason. It should trigger an mail ...

ERROR_HANDLING error handling


Error Handling with Custom Functions

Is there a mechanism by which a custom function can report an error? It appears that exceptions thrown are swallowed and it is treated as though the function returns null.

Function ERROR_HANDLING Custom Functions Error Handling



I want to generate a message for my denodo error code 31001 as its range is between 30000 to 39999 so its a error of type compute capabilities so instead of this error message {"errors":[{"code":31001,"message":"No search methods ready to be run....