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Hi! I'm looking to create a job in which we can redeploy multiple views using denodo scheduler. So far, we have tested the following query in Denodo scheduler: redeploy webservice xxx; redeploy webservice xxxx; However, so far the jobs that we have ...
Hi, I am checking for an option to run a denodo scheduler job using command line / using shell script. Is there any option availe for this Thanks, Ramya
Hi Team I want to know that how to refresh remote tables from scheduler. I have tried vdp job option but not able to get the output. Also, how to call stored procedure for create remote table in parameterized query option in scheduler. Thanks
We are interested in analyzing the Denodo Scheduler log data to monitor jobs, identify trends in errors/job failures, and to identify trends on when jobs are being run. From my research, it looks like the only documneted way to get this data with Denod...
scheduler log Scheduler Jobs Denodo Scheduler 7.0 DENODO LOGS
Hi As per Org mandate - we need to call Scheduler Job from Control M. To call Scheduler Job we want to use Scheduler API and same scripts provided with installation. ( samples\scheduler\scheduler-api\src\com\denodo\scheduler\demo ) Sc...
Hi, Does scheduler support management of jobs through a command line interface or VQL interface? We are ware that Scheduler Client API allows jobs, filter sequences and data sources to be programmatically configured and managed. But its to feasible ...