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Denodo installation on RHEL7 CLI without GUI.

I have been trying to install the Denodo in my RHEL 7 CLI which does not have GUI env. i have installed it using getting error while executing {x11 variable not faund}. I need help with this ASAP.

Access Denodo Denodo Installation


Combining values of two rows into one row

Hello. I have a Denodo integration view with 2 columns: person_id_column pet_column 0 Cat 1 Dog 1 Cat 2 Dog 2 Rabit 3 Cat ...

Access Denodo datawrangling combiningrows dataengineering


Can denodo be installed on any intermediate layer?

Hello Denodo team, we are wondering if it is possible to install DENODO over an intermediate layer (web logic type).

Installation Access Denodo DENODO Denodo Installation Install


Connection error: Error getting the data to initialize the client

HI Team, I am getting below error while connecting to denodo which is in the local environment. Connection error: Error getting the data to initialize the client Please help me on this issue.

Access Denodo


How to connect using JDBC driver in Python?

###Connection using JDBC import jaydebeapi hostname = 'server name' port = '####' driver = 'com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver' user = '####' password = '#####' path = '/C:/Users/abc/Desktop/Projects/denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar' url = 'jdbc:vdb://'+hostname+':'+...

Access Denodo #Denodo Access Denodo Express Python