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VQL Stored Procedure read variable in execute command

Hi, I need connect a database in vql stored procedure with variable. I try this: (vdb_name IN VARCHAR, prt OUT VARCHAR) AS ( -- IN vdb VARCHAR; -- OUT prt VARCHAR; ) BEGIN EXECUTE 'CONNECT DATABASE '':vdb'''; RETURN ROW (prt) VALUES (vdb); END ...

VQL Stored Procedure


how to create temporary tables in VQL Stored procedures

Hi Denodo team, Could you please help me on creating temporary tables in VQL stored procedures with example if possible. I am trying the save the below code but getting error saying Error saving stored procedure: Syntax error: Exception parsing query ...

Denodo 8 #temporary tables VQL Stored procedure


Issue with rolling back transaction from exception in VQL Stored procedure

I am creating a VQL stored procedure, but it is not rolling back when I catch an exception. I am following the example provided here:

VQL Stored procedure



Hi everyone, this is the SP that creates the view interface and it's intended to be created in the indicated database specified in the parameter. How can I do that? [quarta-feira 17:22] Diogo Goncalves - Passio Consulting CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE c...

VQL stored procedures Denodo 8.0 VQL Stored Procedure Error VQL Stored procedure


Returning a Select Statement in a VQL Stored Procedure

Hi everyone. Simple question here. I want to create a VQL Stored Procedure that returns a Select Statement, how do I do it? I have searched through the Denodo documentation for this but haven't found any reference about it. Thanks in advance

Denodo 8.0 VQL stored procedures VQL Stored procedure


Not getting the expected result using a VQL stored procedure

Hi everyone, I have been trying to recreate a view using a stored procedure, like this: ( nomeview IN VARCHAR) AS ( // Procedure variables v_name VARCHAR; database_name VARCHAR; i_name VARCHAR; CURSOR interfaces IS 'SELECT view_name FROM VIEW_DEPENDE...

Denodo 8.0 VQL Stored Procedure Error VQL Stored procedure


VQL Stored procedure calling baseview which is a wrapper to a microsoft sql server stored procedure failing with spurious syntax error: 'Syntax error: Exception parsing query near '00''

Denodo Platform 8.0t, Subscription: Enterprise, Administration Tool 8.0 20230301, VDP Server l 8.0 20230301 Windows 10 Enterprise DATA SOURCE :Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP3-GDR) (KB5021129) - 13.0.6430.49 (X64) Jan 22 2023 17:38:22 Copyright (c) Micr...

VQL Stored procedure