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Just installed last Denovo (22/07/2020) virtual box package and did all the configuration specs even the "hosts" configuration on Windows system32 folder. Don't know how to launch denodo application within centOS black page.
I am trying to go through DEN70EDUD2002LAB04 and noticed there are issues with connection to a MYSQL server. I followed the steps of adding the jar file from the MYSQL website (adding both the 5.x and 8.x jar files in the lib-external/jdbc-drivers/mysq...
I have taken up Data Virtualization Developer (Introduction) - On-demand training. As I part of configuration task I am trying to install the virtual machine but I am not able to. Once the zip folder is downloaded from the link provided I try to unzip...
Seems that it doesn't work on azure I can see my server listening to the ports, all is configured well (including ports / firewall) telnet to port 9999 on localhost work well but not from outside to the public ip. tcp6 0 0 :::9997 ...
Related to: Installation steps on a cloud environment