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java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: authentication error: Insufficient privileges to connect to the database

Hi I am trying to connect to Denodo from Databricks - Code snippet below pushdown_query = "select from dbname.view" denodo_table = ( .format("jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:vdb://<server-name>:9999/dbname") .option("query", pushdown_quer...

Denodo vdp jdbc driver


java.sql.SQLException: Internal error executing query. No results returned

Hi Denodo Community Team, I try to retrieve table data using denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver-8.0-update-20220815. Connection is established success but getting java.sql.SQLException: Internal error executing query. No results returned. Further, first time it is ...

Denodo_jdbc connector Denodo vdp jdbc driver


Java classes missing in Denodo 8.0 or the present document needs an update ?

Hello, We try to connect to Denodo from IBM Web Sphere, using the info from this article. We noticed that these jar's are no longer present in the Denodo Home path: <DENODO_HOME>/lib/contrib/commons-dbcp.jar -->instead we found commons-dbcp2...

Related to: How to connect to Denodo Virtual DataPort from IBM Websphere

External Client Access Denodo vdp jdbc driver


INSERT INTO ignore when duplicate keys

Hello! I am using the JDBC driver to interact with an oracle db. I want to batch insert into a table and just ignore duplicate rows. I want all the other rows to be inserted. I have searched around and found documentation about the VQL syntax for somet...

Denodo vdp jdbc driver



Hi, I am trying to create JDBC datasource using MYSQL adaptor. The test connection is successful but when Save the source and try to create base views of tables I am unable to see any tables in my database. I have granted all the access to the databas...

Denodo_MySQL Create Base View Denodo vdp jdbc driver


Denodo JDBC Driver Issue

We are trying to connect Denodo with Tableau and Databricks with JDBC driver "denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver-8.0-update-20220815" and also the previous version of driver. Our current version of Denodo Installation is also the same "Denodo 8.0-20220815". But whi...

Denodo vdp jdbc driver


Pass custom parameters via jdbc and read them as session/env variables

Hello, I have a requirement where I would like to pass a custom parameter via denodo jdbc driver from northbound connectivity. I would also like to read the value of this parameter within Denodo as a session/environment variable and potentially use t...

Denodo vdp jdbc driver


Read timed out when configuring HTTPS proxy in denodo data source

Hello, I am trying to configure HTTPS proxy with authorization for the Denodo data sources in the Server Configuration panel

proxy Denodo vdp jdbc driver DataSource


API Response to update data table

Hello, Is it possible for a API Call to do an Update or an Insert. If the data exists Update if not then Insert. Also is the PUT response method available in the express version?

#API #Rest_API update HTTP Denodo vdp jdbc driver


Error in connecting to Denodo from Databricks

Hi Team, I am trying to connect to Denodo server from Azure Databricks using spark read api for jdbc like: url = "jdbc:vdb://%s:%s/%s" % (server, port, vdb) remote_table = ( .format("jdbc") .option("driver", driver) .option("url", url) .opti...

Azure Driver databricks JDBC Denodo vdp jdbc driver Azure databricks