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Hi, i am working with the Denodo Free Trail Version on AWS ( access to Web Design Studio ) and with the Denodo Express Version. The Tutorial i start working with is doing good on ...
Hi! Although it worked great with Denodo 7, with the new version I can't complete this simple tutorial scenario I order to import the source I need JDBC driver installed as mentioned int the...
I am following along the Denodo tutorial but have encountered issues when attempting to add a new data source. I followed the download instructions but they are not very clear so i am obviously missing something. I am from a non-technical background so...
Hello Team, I tried downloading the exerice files from the link provided at The zip file is downloading completely but its not extracting and showing error as folder empty.
Hi, In the below page: it is written about "1 - first sources" folder while it should be "1 - first steps" folder. Also, the last screenshot at the bottom of the page does not represent t...
Hello, I'm unable to download it keeps stopping the download at 57% With kind regards
I was following along in the tutorial "Data Virtualization Basics -> Advanced Operations -> Create a join view between heterogeneous sources". After creating the "client_with_bills" view, and executing the query, I get an error that states "Column 'cl...