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As I'm french speaking with I bad english, I write in french and include an english translation (by GGTranslate). Voici le scénario que je voudrais mettre en oeuvre. Partie 1 Je veux réaliser une union view qui reprend ce qui se trouve dans des base...
Automation Excel Sharepoint list Base View configuration UNION
Hi, We have 21 excel files as data source, and we have created base views from those. Then we have craeted selection views from these 21 base views. select distinct id from view1 where id<>'' All the 21 selection views are created in the same w...
Would appreciate if someone can provide an insight for this problem statement We have a requirement to expose the data to user through Realtime (Hitting ODS for Current Day) and Historical (Hitting Netezza for Day - 1). Both of these dataset are expos...
I am trying to append a specific record to a derived view with UNION. The view can be created without DESCRIPTION. But when I do CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW xxx DESCRIPTION = 'xxx' (columnname (DESCRIPTION = 'xxx')), it will give me an error saying the firl...
I am trying to append a specific record to a derived view with UNION. The view can be created without DESCRIPTION. But when I do CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW xxx DESCRIPTION = ‘xxx’ (columnname (DESCRIPTION = ‘xxx’)), it will give me an error saying the firl...
I am able to execute 3 different baseviews against our LDAP data. But when I try to union them together I am getting an exception error. exception = LDAP URI = ldaps://<ldap url>:3269/DC=mycompany,DC=com?...
Hi There, We are trying to implement multi UNION. It is something like following: `CREATE VIEW iv_union_test as SELECT * FROM iv_derived_vw q1 WHERE = i_date AND = i_id AND q1.flg = 0 UNION SELECT * FROM iv_derived_vw q2 WHERE ...
Hi Team, I have created a multiple node in denodo connecting to Jethro Database. All these nodes are working fine and gives the proper result. Now when I am doing UNION of all these nodes, then denodo is not giving result. It says "java.sql.SQLExcept...
I currently have two derived views, say D1 and D2, that are unioned together to create D3. I originally had an issue with both D1 and D2 which involved a sort merge. Both D1 and D2 are a join of two base views; each ran very well when I had a date fil...
Team, I have 2 views - which is for different data source. View1 = institutional_fund_indicative_data View2 = comp_fund_details_prp Common columns are: fixed_comp_fund_code, investment_vehicle, broad_investment_capability Also it has its own ...