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Problem with Amazon Athena Cache

Hello, We have Denodo VDP 8.0 running in a Linux server. We add Amazon Athena Cache and we have a problem when try to store results in cache. The logs registered: FATAL YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.FFF com.denodo.vdb.engine.thread.ReusableThread [] - runWork ...

Cache Error AWS S3 Athena athena Athena AWS athena Cache


Denodo Throwing error from the source

Hello, I have connected JDBC connection in denodo. When i load the data and create the view automatically using lamda function in AWS. When i run the view throwing below error: BC_YZ_RATAM_SELFSERVICE_EMEA_DE [BASE] [ERROR] ABC_YZ_RATAM_SELFSERVICE_E...

#Denodo #denodotestingtool #testingtool #denodo Self-Service Base View descrptions AWS S3 Athena Source refresh #Athena #Baseview #Table_not_found #DataSource


Query to AWS Athena

Do the Denodo query optimizations (aggregation pushdown etc) works with AWS Athena?

AWS S3 Athena


S3-Athena connection

Hello Denodo Community, Please provide step by step connection/configuration procedure in getting data from AWS S3 Athena. Apologies for pressing a bit but this is needed urgently. Kindly revert back soonest for us to explore alternatives. Thank you.

AWS S3 Athena