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we have config turned on where if a field is renamed because of space or special characters it appends underscore 0 to the end of the field name, we want to keep that feature on but I have a view of like 100 fields and half of them have it. Is there a...
I have the following code that is working to produce a result but I am not 100% sure how to turn it into a baseview that I can join against another existing view. select * from (select * from hcc_dv_dev.bv_ctigeneral_s3_ldap_matrix_regionsector)a RIGH...
Is there a way I can have the system, by defult, add "CONTEXT ('formatted' = 'yes')" to the end of a derived view when I use the VQL Shell to create views, instead of having to write it out at the end of every script?
I'm trying to see how I can configure my database to not need the double quotes around the database name when using queries in the VQL Shell. I realize there is a Restricted vs Unicode configuration that I think I've turned on, but I'm still having to ...
Hi, I am wondering if there is a tool or add-on similar to that of RedGate SQL formatting capability to facilitate vql code debugging. The vql formatting appears to be lost when exporting vql code from the VDP admin tool.
Hi team, I understand we have VCS vql shell command for pull (DVCSPULL DBELEMENTS database_name), do we have the same for VCS commit and VCS push operation?
Hi Team, I am using python to connect Denodo ad want to run some vql, I am using JDBC connection to connect denodo with python library "jaydebeapi", when I ran some select vql query, it works. But I encounter below two problems, can you help check: ...
Does Denodo has the command to change the view's cache mode ? eg, from cache "Off" to "Partial", or cache "Off" to "Full" . Thanks, we need this kind of command for some aotumation tasks. Not want to do it from VDP client.
Do we have some exsiting vql shell command or store procedure which is for stastics gathering, we want to use some command to do the statistics gathering. Thanks.
Do we have vql shell that can return all the object name under one folder, including view, associations or folder? The purpose is to get all the object under one folder by script, such as python script. Thanks.