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How to check the Denodo JDBC connection

Is Databse name is mandatory for testing the denodo connection if yes then how to test the denodo jdbc connection, is there any way or any test query of it to do it in Java.

Java testconnection jdbc


How to cancel the query while connected through jdbc.

Hi, I'm trying to cancel the query in the jdbc connection setup but it's not working, can anyone help me out on this? I'm using the denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver-8.0-update-20230914 jar file.

Java jdbc


Converting Oracle Functions to Denodo

Hello, I have an Oracle function that takes a few parameters and spits back out an output based on the logic inside the function. From what I can tell about Denodo, in order to be able to use this function, we would have to convert it to Java and then ...

custom policy oracle java


When trying to start "licensemanager.bat" from Ansible (running on (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)), Ansible window is not coming back to prompt even after running the bat file.

When trying to start "licensemanager.bat" from Ansible (running on (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)), Ansible (Version 2.9.3) window is not coming back to ansible prompt even after running the bat file on the remote server. python version = 2.7.5 Below please find...

java licensemanager startup Ansible winrm windows virtual data port startup from remote Starting from remote using Ansible


Denodo4e plugin failure

I have installed the Denod4e plugin and restarted eclipse following the instructions: But when I try to create a Denodo4e project I obtain this error: "The selected wizard could...

java Denodo4E


Custom Store Procedure Error

Hi guys, I want to ask something. When I already create Denodo Extension Project in Java, after that i still have an issue regarding "The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved". Description Resource Path Location Type The project was not built sin...

Denodo stored procedure java custom


Get refreshed current state Job Information using the Denodo Scheduler Client API

In my Java Application, I trigger a Denodo Scheduler Job using the Scheduler Manager Factory, and on the Scheduler WebAdmin I can see that the Job got triggered, and the state changes from NOT_RUNNING to RUNNING. However,the belowschedulerManager.getJ...

java java code


Java Heap space error while running query

Hello, while executing select on a view, I am getting the error- "Finished with error: Error occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" Can you please help me on the issue, where I can increase the hea...

Base view java Select Query 'Java heap space'


Java Heap space error while exporting

Hi Team, While I am exporting im getting java heap space error in DEV environment. Also we are taking backup using export.bat scripts, I could see the size of VQL file is increasing day by day. Could you please provide us solutions to resolve this i...

java export


Denodo 5.5 update 20151214 will it work with java 1.8 version?

Denodo 5.5 update 20151214 will it work with java 1.8 version? i know it work with 1.7 version of java, what need if we want to make it work with java 1.8 version
