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Hi Im encountering issues with decimal precision while performing division in denodo, my data souce is Teradata Heres the scenario: In Teradata when I have values like 16,968 and divide the number by 100. Teradata is returning the result by rounding...
Hi, I have teradata queries as NVL (<fieldname>, 0) Decode (<fieldname>) what is theequivalent functions in denodo for NVL and DECODE?
Hi I have a teradata query : to_char(cast("joining_date" as timestamp ), 'MonthYYYY') as Joiningdate what is the equivalent I can give in denodo so that the above query runs. Thank you
Currently running Denodo 8 and using some views connected to a Postgres 12.9 database. I found that when running a query with an analytical function sum() and a REGEXP_LIKE function, causes the following error: Finished with error: Error executing vi...
<Reference> <Denodo VDP Version> 6.0 Administration tool:...
Hi, While executing query in denodo by using ntile function is not executing. It is showing as below error.Kindly help on this. SQL Error [50006] [HY000]: Error executing view: Function ntile is not executable Much appreciate if you provide suggesti...
Hi, I am trying to use the analytic function in my derived view in VDP. but it did not recognize the functions and getting errors. (tried all the analtic functions , I got the same errror.. see attached the error detail hyperlink) rank() OVER (PARTITI...
Hi team! I'm facing a common scenario using the Rank function and need some help. Below is the sentence I'm using, basicaly a Rank function with a Partition and Order by conditions: rank() OVER ( PARTITION BY xx_fa_deprn_summary.asset_id, xx_fa_deprn...