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Decimal precision issue with division in Denodo with Teradata as data source

Hi Im encountering issues with decimal precision while performing division in denodo, my data souce is Teradata Heres the scenario: In Teradata when I have values like 16,968 and divide the number by 100. Teradata is returning the result by rounding...

round precision #Analytic function Decimal Type Teradata


Teradata equivalent functions

Hi, I have teradata queries as NVL (<fieldname>, 0) Decode (<fieldname>) what is theequivalent functions in denodo for NVL and DECODE?

#Analytic function


Denodo Equivalent function

Hi I have a teradata query : to_char(cast("joining_date" as timestamp ), 'MonthYYYY') as Joiningdate what is the equivalent I can give in denodo so that the above query runs. Thank you

#Analytic function


Using Analytical Functions and REGEXP_LIKE function causes error

Currently running Denodo 8 and using some views connected to a Postgres 12.9 database. I found that when running a query with an analytical function sum() and a REGEXP_LIKE function, causes the following error: Finished with error: Error executing vi...

REGEXP_LIKE #Analytic function


The version of Denodo on which window (analytic) function of SQL can be used

<Reference> <Denodo VDP Version> 6.0 Administration tool:...

DENODO #Analytic function


Iam unable to execute NTILE function in denodo

Hi, While executing query in denodo by using ntile function is not executing. It is showing as below error.Kindly help on this. SQL Error [50006] [HY000]: Error executing view: Function ntile is not executable Much appreciate if you provide suggesti...

#Analytic function


Unable to use the analytic function in Denodo-VDP

Hi, I am trying to use the analytic function in my derived view in VDP. but it did not recognize the functions and getting errors. (tried all the analtic functions , I got the same errror.. see attached the error detail hyperlink) rank() OVER (PARTITI...

#Analytic function


Filter on a Rank function

Hi team! I'm facing a common scenario using the Rank function and need some help. Below is the sentence I'm using, basicaly a Rank function with a Partition and Order by conditions: rank() OVER ( PARTITION BY xx_fa_deprn_summary.asset_id, xx_fa_deprn...

RANK Function #Analytic function