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Hi I'd like to query the teradata query in denodo VQL, however I cant able to get the syntax right. SELECT ADDMONTH(ADDMONTH(CURRENT_DATE, -12), (EXTRACT(MONTH FROM ADDDAY(<field_name> , -12 ) -6 ))) Any pointers would be appreciated. Thank you.
I have a field with data type odf text that returns value in the format : '2021-01-10T07:04:38Z' How can I convert it to locale specific date format so that I can perform date operation on it??
Hi I have tried several ways to solve my problem. I have a field with a number, stored as text. The first 8 figures represent YYYYMMDD, and then there are five positions that I dont want to use. For exampel: 19010210-abcd. I wold like to calute how man...
Hi, I am trying to create a base view with query from DB2 in which I included 2 parameters Begin_date, End_date that are added in where clause to filter Date(confirm_date) column. Example: Select * from Table where Date_column between @Begin_date and ...
I am using Denodo 8.0 and have two different date conversion questions. First scenario I have a “date” field that is defined as a TEXT type on the source file. The format is dd-MMM-yy. I want it to be a localdate type (yyyy-MM-dd) I am trying to conv...
Hi Team, How to convert timestamp to date ? from: 2022-02-17 09:23:13 to: 2022-02-17 Denodo 7.0 update 20210224 Thanks.
Hello Team, I have a request to expose a date for a client to this formt "yyy-MM-ddT00:00:00.000Z" the OriginalDate is like "2022-02-08T00:00:00" i used the following function but in the result the 'Z' doesn't appear: formatdate('yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:m...
Hi support team, I'm having trouble putting this query into my view WHERE CONDITIONS, there is an AND Operators in front of the line This is my original query from oracle ... AND datedata+(8/24)>=todate(tochar((sysdate+16/24)-1,'YYYY-MM-DD')|| '00...
I have a string with date in the following format: 2017-02-08T16:17:10Z tried to use this function but it is NOT working to_timestamp('yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ssZ', createdat) I also tried this: to_timestamp('yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss''Z', createdat) Wha...
I have a field called date that is coming in as text as the following format and I am having trouble converting it to a valid time stamp: 9 - Sep - 2019 19:35 Can anyone help with the formatting of the function?