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We wonder if it is possible to track a database over a given period of time, using any specific DENODO functionality, for performance analysis and operational statistics purposes.
Denodo Monitor performance Analytical Analytic Functions (Window Functions) Statistics
Hi there I want to refresh the statistics (at the end via scheduler) for those views which have the stats enabled. The refresh can be done with the new GETSTATSFORFIELD like call GETSTATSFORFIELDS ( 'ATSOURCETHROUGHVDPONLY' ,'myDB' , 'myView' ,null, t...
I recently inherited Denodo admin duties and am investigating a scheduled job which is failing. The job gathers a list of all base tables in Denodo, then runs the following VQL: CALL GENERATE_SMART_STATS_FOR_FIELDS('SMART_THEN_ATSOURCE_THROUGH_VDP','B...
generate_stats search methods VDP resultset Statistics timeout
We're looking to get a list of all our interfaces, with field names, and preferably attributes (ex. data type, max length). The end goal is to allow report developers to be able to search for all interfaces which contain specific field names. Is this p...
How can I get a list of views where statistics has been enabled for a given database?
when calculating the statistics of a view is it better to do that on a derived view or do I also need to do it on the base views that make the derived view
I keep getting error, on any jdbc while trying to gather stats manually. I am getting the error : Error executing query. total time ... Query [VIRTUAL] [ERROR] when looking into the logs, I get : com.denodo.vdb.engine.storedprocedure.jdbc.QueryResultS...