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Lastdayofmonth for prior month is Denodo

Im trying ot get last day of the month with : LASTDAYOFMONTH(addmonth(current_date(),-1)). The above query gives result as : 2023-12-31 However when I run the same with few more lines of code: select field_name from "table_name" where "field_name" bet...

monthfunction dateformat


Date format used in the fixed WHERE Clause of Derived queries

I want to add a WHERE condition to a derived query and the field in the clause is a Date field. What is the formet I need to use in the condition value? In the Derived View > Edit > Where Conditions > add a condition field name = 'InceptionDa...



Issue with CONTEXT date conversion with call from a REST Webservice

I am getting the following error when I execute a the following query from a REST Web Service to a view in Denodo: SELECT_NAVIGATIONAL <fields> FROM <denodo derived view> WHERE (1=1 and (Rcvd_Date BETWEEN DATE '0001-01-01' AND DATE '9999-12...

Date Conversion dateformat


Need to convert an incoming date value of type Text to a type Date

I have a field called EFF_DATE in a Base View which of type TEXT which may or may not have a value in the field. If there is a value, it is in the format of 'yyyyMMdd'. I am creating a "Selection" Derived View which states that: If the incoming value o...

Date Conversion dateformat



when i load the date field in denodo it shows like 'wed dec 17 00:00:00 IST 1980' but i have given only 'yyyy-MM-dd' in database. How to display date with format 'yyyy-MM-dd' in date datatype only as when i am using formatdate() function it changes the...

date functions dateformat datatypes