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Dear team, On the Data Catalog, would it be possible to display the property group "not expanded" by default, or at least have the option to configure it to display expanded or not?
Hello Dear Denodo Team, is there a way to include <img> or <iframe> tags in the HTML property in the Data Catalog? Every time I try to add them in the Editor, they get removed. Thanks in advance!
On dev environment we have created few base views using s3 as a source and We would like to deploy on prod environment using revision.I have created revision and choosen respective base view files and data source.While validating revision, I could see ...
Hi, Can you plase provide the details on the API that can be used to import the properties file to the target environment in the promotions process. Thanks
Hi team, we are useing import .sh for Denodo objects auto-deploy, and we found, now is doing some tes, I found, when using Solution Manager, the Property is: PROPERTIES ('includeSynonyms'='false', 'remarksReporting'='false') When usin gimport shel dep...
Hello, we have created a custom policy to provide row-level security to certain objects. Inside the logic, this policy works with config tables to get the provided level of security for the users via JDBC. Since we are connecting via JDBC, we have to s...
How can I get a list of views where statistics has been enabled for a given database?
The VCS documentation is not all that clear, especially when it comes to environment management. When using VCS with several environments, we see that Denodo checks in a .properties file for each environment, containing only their name and description....