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Hi Can some help me here below is my Queary , I aneed Denodo API SELECT account_number, suspended FROM i_crd_tpi_portfolio_accounts crd INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT data_date FROM i_source_data_vestmark_csim_crd_direct_accounts WHERE data_date_data_t...
Thanks for tutorial. I got great Idea. Can you help me How your Query resolver? You explained filters. But I have JSON data . I need to execute this Query on JSON Data.
Related to: GraphQL in Action - Advanced Query Capabilities
Help Access Denodo Express GraphQL Denodo Query Exceqution Plan
Let's we have 1 fact and 10 Dimensions in presentation layer of Denodo and now I am trying to query those 11 tables using Power BI. My Question is Can we create relationships between those tables in Denodo itslef instead of conneting to all those view...
Hello, I am trying to save an image from a page without needing to Navigate to the Image URL. Every time I navigate to the image URL the image changes. When I attempt to scrape the page using the 'Click And' function and then select "Save" to save the...
Hello, Here is my current condition: todate('MM/dd/yyyy', ITEM.datefiled) >= addyear(getday(), -10) I would like to modify this so that it will only bring back the last ten years from whatever date it is currently. Thank you
I am attempting to scrape a website with an iframe disclaimer that must click a link and then select Accept on the iframe disclaimer. This worked fine in ie 9 but the frame does not open up on ie 11 when the wrapper is running. I was wondering if th...
I am attempting to set an SetValue(^EncodeSeq(@County_Input)); My issue is that the drop down has the county name and the time it was updated. I need to know how to be able to select the value based on just the first word ignoring the time updated. ...