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We want to connect Power BI to Denodo platform using Saml/Oauth authentication, in order to consume some views in ODBC and others via a REST Service. Denodo Platform is located on an azure VM with a Solution Manager as SSO, Power BI is installed on Loc...
#powerBI connection #Denodo-PowerBI Denodo SSO SAML Denodo Rest API Connection with ODBC
Hello, How can i edit the swagger as it contains information which i dont require. Does denodo provide the flexibility of editing the swagger to remove fields (e.g: count, search etc). Thanks
Is there any way to get the swagger docs in a single page so users can see all the possible end points available? I see you can get to the doc for a single api using https://host:port/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/server/IT_DB/test_ws/OpenAPIv3/openapi.json
I'm having troubles deploying a RESTAPI that is built on a base view with a @WHEREEXPRESSION The following is an example of what I am trying to do and have tried. Create a base view with the following query: Select * from tablename.schema where variab...
Hi, can us help me with that? i want to know if is possible to send multiple query parameters like "field in (value 1, value2, valueN)" to a field in REST API. The goal is to use a single 'GET' but 'IN' condition, or also if there was a way to edit the...
We have set up our denodo solution such that it is connecting to a gitlab repo. We have defined a ci/cd process that takes the files from the development gitlab repo and pushes them into uat gitlab repo. We would like to run a VCS pull command on all d...
Hi, Can you plase provide the details on the API that can be used to import the properties file to the target environment in the promotions process. Thanks
Hi Team, How to add 'distinct' in denodo restful HTML url? Thanks.
I've seen this question asked a couple of times but last answered in 2017. Is there now a way to aggregate (e.g. sum) data via the restful web service? E.g. '...$groupby=category&$select=category,sumValue&$format=json'
Hello all, I would like to connect to the "live data" of the files view_custom_property.json and localviews.json. And afterwards I would like to create these as a base view. Unfortunately I can't find the right schema to access it via REST API: ...