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Hi team, In Denodo 8 I'm trying to execute batch insert using basic view (thru JDBC wrapper) to Oracle database. Driver: denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar Version: 8.0 Batch statement: The connector will run the statement: INSERT INTO "test" ("c1", "c2") VALU...
Hi Team, Could you please confirm the below limitation of VQL syntax. Working - INSERT INTO view2 SELECT col1 FROM view1; Working - INSERT INTO view2 (col1) VALUES ("abc"); Not working - INSERT INTO view2 (col1) SELECT col1 FROM view1; Not working - ...
Hi, Is it possible to insert records in denodo from a base view of database vdb1 into another base view of database vdb2. Insert records into vdb1 from select * from vdb2; if the records exists we need to update those records.