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HotFixes and Denodo container images

Hello, Are hotfixes automatically installed on the denodo-platform and solution-manager container images when a new image is pushed? Thanks

Denodo 8 Container denodo platform HotFix DENODO Image


How to setup webservice to return an image

I was thinking there was a way to configure or call a Denodo web service such that if the only column returned was a blob (that contains and image) that the image would be return - essentially utilizing Denodo as a simple image server. However, I could...

image BLOB BINARY Image


How to Save Image without having to navigate to the Images URL

Hello, I am trying to save an image from a page without needing to Navigate to the Image URL. Every time I navigate to the image URL the image changes. When I attempt to scrape the page using the 'Click And' function and then select "Save" to save the...

help extract issue denodo Image error no refresh


Downloading an image from page without extracting URL

Is there anyway to download an image from a website and download it into a folder on a local computer? I see that there is an option to "Click and..." convert to Word, Pdf, and Excel but not an image. I know that it is possible to extract the URL of...

image itpilot download itp denodo extraction


Downloading an image from page

Is there anyway to download an image from a website and download it into a folder on a local computer? I see that there is an option to "Click and..." convert to Word, Pdf, and Excel but not an image.

image download ITP ITPilot