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Detect deletion changes made by the user

Dear team, I have a database - MyDb and it contains base views and derived views. However, today morning I noticed that all the base views and derived views are deleted. I want to be able to track who deleted the views because lots of efforts were ta...

#versioncontrol #Denodo #userqueries #trackchanges


Denodo function equivalent to Table.AddIndexColumn Power BI function

Does Denodo have a function that is equivalent to the Table.AddIndexColumn Power Query function that one can use in Power BI? See:

Power BI #Denodo


Outgoing Connections from Denodo

Hello experts, We have been told that there are several million connections open from Denodo to an FTP datasource/baseview. Where can we view these connections in Denodo? The getsessions() seems to display just the incoming connections/queries. Please...

#Outgoingconnections #Denodo8 #Denodo


function 'leftpad' cannot be delegated to this database

I have created a selection view in denodo where i have applied some transformations and while executing got the error stating function 'leftpad' cannot be delegated to this database. Redshift is the data source. lpad works in reshift but doesn't work ...

#Denodo8 #Denodo


Constraints are not working with materialized table

I found something when I tried executing the materialized table. After I create a table with primary key constraint, If I insert a repeated value the server is accepting and inserting two rows with same value even if primary key is specified? Can anyon...



How to connect using JDBC driver in Python?

###Connection using JDBC import jaydebeapi hostname = 'server name' port = '####' driver = 'com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver' user = '####' password = '#####' path = '/C:/Users/abc/Desktop/Projects/denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar' url = 'jdbc:vdb://'+hostname+':'+...

Access Denodo #Denodo Access Denodo Express Python


How to define CASE statement in view parameters

Hi, I need to use a case statement in Denodo view parameters. whenever a defaut date is selected (ex: 1900-01-01) it should fetch data based case condition(ex: current_date-1) else it should fetch data by given date. Ex: case when start_date='1900-01...

#parameters #Denodo #Denodovaraiables #variables #CASE


How to convert rows to columns using SPLIT function/any generic function in Denodo

Hi Team, I need to know is there any generic function available in DENODO for SPLIT function which can be used for any of the views without depending on one single view/function. Example: In Oracle we do have below function which can be used in any o...

#Denodo #Split #SQL #rowsToColumns