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Incompatible License while creating extension

Hi team, I am trying to use java based custom function by creating extension in Eclipse. It is giving error when I am deploying the custom function to VDP server - "Creation of extension is not allowed by the license." I am currently using Denodod Ex...

extension Custom Functions DENODO EVALUATION LICENSE


Denodo 8.0 Express - Extensions

I need test some custom function and did compile the sample function to jar. However, when I try to add it to Denodo. I don't see extension tab on extension management. I only see "Libraries" tab. File -> Extension Management -> (Only Libraries ...

extension custom functions


Error loading extension '***'

i m trying to upload some wapper jar to extension management via vdp admin tools. i found that every time i got loading error if the file size over 40mb. it shows connection closed. could you tell me how to avoid this problem?



Custom functions jar file renaming and name conflicts

Hello, When we started developing custom functions in Denodo, we had stored them all in a single package. However, we have now reached about 200 custom functions and in order to simplify maintenance, we would like to split that package in 3 (Date func...

Denodo 8.0 extension Custom Functions


Extension management is empty

Following the tutorial, I thought I could select existing extensions for distributed file system (e.g. S3). However, I have no extension at all. Do I have to develop one by myself or I can download from somewhere? Thank you, M

extension jar empty


Free Trial: no extension available

Hi, I am second day on my free trial. I would like to connect to S3. However, there is nothing under "existing extension" Please advise. Thanks, Ming

license custom S3 extension


Heap Space error while importing .jar

Hi, While trying to import the jars to install the denodo customwrapper, I obtain the error "Java Heap Space". How can I solve this? Regards

extension Java Heap Space custom wrapper