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"Remote license not found. The server is not registered in Solution Manager." when starting VDP server in Docker container.

Can't get past the server trying to find a license on the license/solution manager when starting a VDP server in a Docker container. I've successfully started a local installation of a VDP server getting a license from the license/solution manager and ...

container Denodo 7.0 Denodo 7 Solution Manager Docker 7 License 7.0 docker


Could not launch IEWrapperApp.exe in 10 attempts

Hello, I would like make it: Step 2: when I click on "New Browser", I have this error: Could not launch C:/Users/<user>/...

Denodo Express 7.0 Error ITPilot


Denodo 7.0 not invalidating matching rows with dynamic VQL, working in 6.0

I have a cache update query with the paramaters: select * from view_name where "PeriodMonth" in ( cast('text',substr(FORMATDATE('MMM', ADDMONTH(CURRENT_DATE(),-1)),1,1)||lower(substr(FORMATDATE('MMM', ADDMONTH(CURRENT_DATE(),-1)),2,3))||'-'||FORMATDAT...

7.0 Cache


VQL Required to add a data movement plan using Alter?

What is the VQL required to Alter a data movement plan? Here is the context from the CREATE statement: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sv_basespace_rundata as field1 field2 field3 CONTEXT (DATAMOVEMENTPLAN = iv_getsession_roles : JDBC datasources."ds_BaseSpace...

VQL 7.0


How easily find invalid objects using VQL?

How easily find invalid objects using VQL?



Migration from 6.0 to 7.0

Hi, I am planning on migrating legacy denodo to 7.0. My enviornment is as follows: 1) Current state: Dev 6.0 Prod 6.0 (We do not have QA.) 2) For future state a) I have two new servers (one for Dev and one for Prod). Now I want to bring over databas...

6.0 migration 7.0 denodo Upgrade