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HotFixes and Denodo container images

Hello, Are hotfixes automatically installed on the denodo-platform and solution-manager container images when a new image is pushed? Thanks

Denodo 8 Container denodo platform HotFix DENODO Image


Denodo V9 - Installation guide on kubernetes clusters

Hi there, I am looking for an official guide to install the new Denodo v9 on a kubernetes cluster. A bit of context: We have a kubernetes cluster where we want to install the v9. We are using an external mssql server to store the metadata. Dri...

Solution Manager Container Denodo v9 external metadata database MSSQL Kubernetes


Set up Mail Settings for Scheduler using environments variables

Hi, I am trying to configure automatically the section Mail Settings within the scheduler, but I am unable to find the right environment variable names to do so. We use the standard containers provided by Denodo in a kubernetes environment. Would you ...

Mail Settings Container Scheduler


Issue: ADLS v2 container connect/integrate with Denodo docker container running on azure VM.

Hi Team, We have established the connection between ADLSv2 conatiner with Denodo docker container which is running on a Azure VM. We have tested the connection and it is sucessfull. But when we crate the baseview we got this error. There was an err...

container DENODO Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2


Connect of ADLSv2 with Dendod Docker Container. Error while creating the Base View.

Hi Team, I have tried placing the core-site.xml inside the denodo docker container which is running on a Azure VM. I have established a connection between ADLSv2 container with denodo docker container. When I try to test connection the connection is ...

container Base view Docker DENODO Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2


"Remote license not found. The server is not registered in Solution Manager." when starting VDP server in Docker container.

Can't get past the server trying to find a license on the license/solution manager when starting a VDP server in a Docker container. I've successfully started a local installation of a VDP server getting a license from the license/solution manager and ...

container Denodo 7.0 Denodo 7 Solution Manager Docker 7 License 7.0 docker