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Parameterizing GET_STATS_FOR_FIELDS Scheduler job to automatically refresh the stats for all enabled views.

Hey, we are trying to use GETSTATSFORFIELDS in a Scheduler job to automatically refresh the stats for all views with statistics enabled. With LIST VIEWSTATSUMMARIES on myVdb I can get a list of all the views in the VDB, that have statistics enabled. N...

Gather Statistics Denodo Scheduler 8.0


vql shell command or existing store procedure to gathering statistics

Do we have some exsiting vql shell command or store procedure which is for stastics gathering, we want to use some command to do the statistics gathering. Thanks.

vql shell Gather Statistics


Incomplete statistics in the following nodes

Hi Team, I'm facing an issue on gather stats. when i ran a query and gone through execution trace, I can see Optimizer message 'Incomplete statistics in the following nodes' and showing some base view names. i'm getting same message even after gathe...

Gather Statistics


Gaterhing stats.

So does denodo really make queries or views more efficient by gathering stats. is it sophisitcated with creating new plans and optimizations when stats are gathered.? is it a best practice to run stats on a regular basis? but if really , my mvp is ju...

Gather Statistics


Collecting Field wise stats without using CSV

How can I generate statistics at a field level using the scheduler without creating the csv or the base view to pass the viewname and fieldname values ?

Related to: How to update the statistics of a view automatically

Automic scheduler Gather Statistics Generate stats


Error gathering the statistics of the view: Wrong stats query resultset

When I try to gather the statistics for a Base View, I am getting the error: "Error gathering the statistics of the view: Wrong stats query resultset" I tried it going to base view > option> statistics and selected enable statistics and complet...

Gather Statistics Generate stats


Export the Gathered Statistics of a Base View (or any View)

I would like to Export the Gathered Statistics of a Base View (or any View), and apply those to the same view but in another Denodo server. Please let me know how I can do so.

Gather Statistics


Error gathering the statistics of the view

Hi Team, I am getting the below error while trying to gather statistics for a derived view. This derived view is created from 3 derived view and 3 db tables. Could you please help? Error messages Error gathering the statistics of the view: Error exec...

Gather Statistics