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Getting default logging levels for each log category

Does Denodo offer a quick way to confirm what were the default logging levels for each category? E.g. if I suspect someone changed a few of them temporarily and forgot to revert them. At the moment we keep a copy of every config file (especially Log4j...

Logging Default Logging Levels Log4j Default configurations Log4j


logging in Denodo

Hi, In term of best practice, is it better to use the host of the solution manager to centralize all the logs from the other denodo platfom hosts, or is it better to have logs at each host? How can we export the logs into a database? Thank you



Denodo doesn't recognize local file within stored procedure

I have denodo platform 8.0 running on EC2 installed using cloudformation template as per the installation guide by Denodo. I am trying to create a custom stored proc which has to read a license file (locally saved inside /opt/denodo/denodo-platform8.0/...

Logging Custom stored procedure ERROR_HANDLING Custom Functions License File Denodo Jar


Denodo 7: Capture Logon Information for Failed Logins

How do we capture additional logon information when a connection fails? In our VDP logs we see messages, like the one below. Our challenge is that we do not know how to correlate this with a user account. 8222466 [RMI TCP Connection(5403)-] E...

Logging Denodo 7 Failed Logins


Store logs in csv format S3

Hello, I have set up the log4j.xml file to store the VDP-queries log to S3 location. I can see that the files stored are in an unreadable format. Can you please let me know if I can store them in csv format? I have followed the below link to set it up...

AWS S3 query logs logging log4j2.xml


Logging of User Queries via ODBC

Hello, We have lots of users querying Denodo views via ODBC connection in Power BI. Is there an option to get the information of the different queries run by them via Denodo to report them.

user queries ODBC logging query logs


Custom Logging for JAVA procedures

We have a Java Stored Procedures that refers to other java classes. We want to have logging framework which will log to file during execution. Currently, I am using org.apache.commons.logging.Log; org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; private static ...



List of possible or default log categories

How do I determine the list of the possible log categories that can be passed to the logcontroller stored procedure? for example: call logcontroller('com.denodo.vdp.requests','error'); I know of: com.denodo.vdp.requests Regards, Mike
